Our approach to improving performance is simple and effective. We use proven methods and models shaped by decades of practical experience to increase the capabilities of your organization. Some tools and techniques were developed by professional organizations, while others are the product of our innovative team and practice.
We understand People
We understand People
Like all safety-critical, high-consequence industries, commercial airlines focus on preparing frontline personnel for the real-world challenges of dynamic operations. We are experienced with the internal consultations with stakeholders that lead to successful project outcomes.
We work effectively with diverse teams, including:
- IT
- Finance
- Compliance/Recordkeeping
- Vendors
- Regulatory agencies
- Labor organizations
- Trade organizations
We understand Technology
We understand Technology
Crewmembers now rely on a suite of electronic tools to perform their jobs. Support departments depend on sophisticated applications to perform advanced content creation, data collection & analysis, program audits, demand forecasting, and recordkeeping. We are not programmers. TGS helps organizations rationalize their tech stack to support training and on-demand performance support. Let’s partner to navigate:
- Training content development and distribution.
- Crewmember job aids and performance support tools.
- Data collection, analysis, reporting, and visualization technology.
- Development of content life cycles.
- Digital Transformations.
- Learning Ecosystems
We understand Process
We understand Process
Commercial airline operations are filled with processes. FOMs, SOPs, GOMs, AOMs, and other tools ensure a standardized approach to normal and non-normal situations. However, L&D, Safety, and Flight Ops frequently struggle to employ the same rigor in their internal business practices. We leverage our experience and expertise to help clients:
- Reduce recurrent training development cycle times.
- Create predictable, repeatable change management procedures.
- Build curricula using efficient Instructional System Design (ISD) processes.
- Integrate Safety, Training, and Ops processes.
- Implement Quality Management Systems in Training.
- Create Innovation and Future Readiness processes
We understand Data
We understand Data
Competency-based training programs must include robust data management and strategies. Our proprietary Data for Decision-making (D4D) framework helps operators turn data into trustworthy information and insights that produce better decisions and results. We meet companies where they are on the quest for true data-driven training. We’ll work with you on:
- Measuring training effectiveness
- Measuring training efficiency
- Elevating organizational Data Literacy
- Designing effective Data Governance
- Creating Data Strategies and Roadmaps